Sunday, November 25, 2007

My Snaps - more of me

Dear faithful readers,

I know that my first article has had you smacking your lips in great anticipation for my next one. Since I am not one to disappoint anybody, here goes my second one. You just need to click here and you will be carried to the magical world of Taj Mahal and pink palaces right from the comforts of your cosy chair. Enjoy maadi!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

My first One

My firstest ever blog - to commemorate - or to sort of connect my memories with my trip to North India. A kaleidoscope of colors, cool climate and of course the ubiquitous chai. Though it might seem like a travel diary at the outset, I will just have to request you all to be a little more patient, dear readers/fellow bloggers/fraternity philosophers/martian aliens et al. As I traverse through this bittersweet journey called Life, I am sure the cycle of Time will take me through a gamut of emotions, some highs..some lows, some gains...some losses. Anyway, before I get more philosophical...dude, take a break!! Here goes .....some of my more memorable moments....captured on film.

Dont drool now. Thats moi in the snap!! Cheers till later. Signing off. Mvk